By David Repinski
Darkness to Light has but one singular focus – to empower people to prevent child sexual abuse. Over the past 14 years, our programs have helped raise awareness of its prevalence, elevate visibility of its consequences, and provide education to adults on the steps they can take to recognize it and react responsibly.
An estimated 74 million children in this country desperately need the support of the community of concerned citizens who can protect them and keep them safe from those who seek to inflict unspeakable harm.
The members of our dedicated staff and army of volunteers work tirelessly to keep the protection of children in the public spotlight, and we are thankful for all that they do in the name of Darkness to Light.
Our collective mission is more important than any one individual, and we pride ourselves in always putting the organization first, in everything we do, to ensure the needs of those we serve always come first.
Our roots are in Charleston, and we would not be where we are today were it not for the committed efforts of those who have selflessly donated their time and resources to advance the noble cause of sexual abuse prevention. We are, and will always be, eternally grateful for the faith they have bestowed in us.
Since our founding here in 2000, our message of prevention has spread across the globe as organizations and concerned adults take action to protect children. Thanks to the support of this dedicated community, we have now trained more than 44,000 adults throughout South Carolina and expanded our reach to all 50 states and 16 international locations.
The need to prevent child sexual abuse exists both within, and beyond, the boundaries of this wonderful community.
At the current rate, one in 10 children will be sexually abused if we don’t do something radical as a society to change it.
In order for us to stay true to what we stand for, in addition to our local outreach efforts, we must also drive a national and international conversation about these important issues to protect children everywhere, regardless of where they reside.
Our work is just beginning. And with the continued support of those who believe in what we do, we will not stop until children everywhere are no longer at risk of the unthinkable.
Let’s stay focused on the path ahead, and come together to help those who desperately need it.
David Repinski, CEO of the U.S. Property & Casualty Division of Crawford & Company, is chairman of the Darkness to Light Board of Directors.
For more information on preventing child sexual abuse in your community, visit The 5 Steps to Protecting Our ChildrenTM, or take D2L’s award-winning Stewards of Children® prevention training.