Categories: Other, Things We Like

Child Sexual Abuse: Protecting Your Students & Your Business

As a business working with many young children, it’s vitally important to protect your students and your business from the horror of child sexual abuse. Research shows that people who are sexually violated as children are far more likely to experience psychological problems often lasting into adulthood; devastating effects including Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, depression, suicide, …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Things We Like

New children’s book, Gracie Finds Her Voice by Jacob Williams

Our good friends and facilitators Angela Williams and Tom Scales with Voice Today have released a new children’s book, Gracie Finds Her Voice, as part of their I Found My Voice Today program.  Through their brave mascots Gracie and Grant, they educate children about personal boundaries and the importance of open and honest communication. Children …

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Categories: Other, Things We Like

Sightless Among Miracles

On a return trip from Portland recently I had coffee dates with two male survivors.  They shared their stories of what happened to them as children at the hands of their parents. One man’s sexual abuse started at age four. It ended at age nineteen when, after a particularly brutal event (the last time he …

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Categories: Other, Success Stories, Things We Like

AG Biden gets “Champion for Children” award

State Attorney General Beau Biden is the recipient of Prevent Child Abuse Delaware’s “Champion for Children” award. The chidrens’ advocacy group Friday presented Biden with the award in recognition of his creation of the state’s Child Predator Unit and Stewards of Children Program, and implementation of parts of the Adam Walsh Act. Adam Walsh, son …

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Categories: Other, Things We Like

Courthouse dogs calm victims’ fears about testifying

More than seven y ears after King County became the first in the nation to use an assistance dog to provide comfort for victims in a courthouse setting, the practice has been upheld by an appeals-court ruling. By Christine Clarridge – Seattle Times staff reporter Ask 16-year-old twin sisters Jordan and Erin what they remember most about …

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