Excerpted from a May 6 post on “Moody Speaks,” Dave Moody’s personal blog
A few weeks ago I gave my first public speech on being a sexual abuse survivor. I must admit, that recently I have done a few interviews for newspapers and magazines, and even a training video that will go around world to train people on preventing and helping those that have been sexually abused. In none of those interviews or filming did I cry once. For some reason when I gave the speech, I cried the first 10 minutes of the speech. I spoke after the CEO of the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy spoke about the center, all of the children they help and some of the stories about the kids. I got emotional thinking about those kids and the road they still have to travel to heal. By time I got up to speak, I just started to cry softly, but I was able to speak and eventually regain my full composure. I saw many other people crying and it just confirmed why I must continue to do what is asked of me to make others aware of the damage done by childhood sexual abuse, and most importantly, all of us survivors can thrive and live a happy and great life after sexual abuse with the proper counseling and love from others in our lives. Every call, letter or email thanking me for speaking up, confirms my actions are helping others heal and that is my goal, to help others heal and thrive.
The message I will continue to preach is hope, love, forgiveness and developing a strong will to get through our trauma and live a great and happy life.
Shared by CSA survivor Dave Moody