The “Helping Schools Protect Our Children Act,” allows states and school districts to use federal grants to provide professional development to school personnel regarding how to recognize child sexual abuse. These personnel include: teachers, principals, specialized instructional support personnel, and paraprofessionals. The Act was first introduced in 2013, by Senator Feinstein and reintroduced by Representative Takano in 2014. Both bills died in Congress.
About Positive Petitions:
Darkness to Light created Postitive Petitions to acknowledge and support those that are taking action to end child sexual abuse.
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Thank you so much for starting this petition! It’s much needed and way overdue. Attention on abuse issues has mostly focused on families and churches so far. This is a good but attention also needs to be focused on schools and the military. This act if passed will go a long way to get the ball rolling nationwide.
Our Child Advocacy Center is currently providing the Stewards of Children training to our school staff through out the judicial district. Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of our local foundations to get funding for the materials necessary for this very important training. Federal funding would take some of the financial burden off of our small agency to allow us to expand the training even further or make it an annual training so we are not missing staff due to turn over.
I am signing this petition because I am trusting that this petition is for the cause stated! I am not interested in this turning into something where our children are being indoctrinated in anyway, shape or form about sex education nor the acceptance of same sex couples ET AL…”ANYTHING” to do with the promoting of gender specificity, other than what your petition claims needed funding for. If it is found out that you have lied to the American people, I personally will design a petition (with ample backing) to destroy this petition!!
Most sincerely,
Mrs. Elaine Al Meqdad
In todays society people [particularly children] need to be protected from all physical,mental and sexual abuse.We need to take a stand and make sure that everything is done to protect everyone [male and female] especially children from all types of abuse.
The bill is the most wanted at this time and era when pedroters are rampant in our society, even schools have became hiding place for some pedophiles .If this bill go through, there will be great sanitizing and kids will be greatly protected.
Elaine, I won’t address some of the things you mentioned because I don’t wish to start an argument. However, while sex education is not addressed in this particular request for funding allocations, it is an absolutely essential, critical piece of protecting children from sexual abuse. It seems that you may not have taken the Stewards of Children class. If you have not, I would highly recommend it. The class is very helpful and enlightening.
While petitions and pro-testing governments will not solve the problem (as in completely solve the problem) that has been going on for millennia, I do note, appreciate and thank all of you for the thought of and consideration to do something about the rape of children by killers/rapists [of children] (commonly referred to as paedophiles, abusers).
All of you are not only standing up for children in this decade but showing you would stand up for me against the rape event (assaulted below the waist) and against the rapist/paedophile that assaulted me when I was nine. It is sad that so many guys in the world cannot stand with us because they either do not care, they want to hide behind children and women as cowards and let the children be raped or they do not stand up and speak out against rape/assault because they are guilty of rape themselves and are terrified they will be exposed.
I do think there is the possibility of ending rape but it is not destiny and destined. Most people are in denial out of fear and it is this denial and those deniers that allow assault and the war of the ‘guys against children and women’ not only to continue but to escalate. All the progress made in this country in the last few decades is being destroyed by rapists flooding into this country who de-man-d girls and women be moved away from them on airplanes in the name of so-called religions.
Thank you for the opportunity to voice my thoughts and my love for children when so many of my classmates grow up and do nothing because they are into vengeance and want children to suffer as they suffered rather than have the spirit to want better for children than they received.
To the end of assault, and to peace on earth for all of us with spirit, love, courage and strength.
I think this effort would be more powerful if there were a consortium of groups who provide sexual abuse training supporting it– I hope Darkness to Light will be in touch with other groups who also provide these services to have this coming from the whole field involved in training– including Assessment Centers, other non-profit sexual abuse curriculum groups, etc… In the process, it will look better to politicians and the public to see the training field is united on this. Many players are needed to make it work on a broad scale. Keep up your good efforts! Pull in your colleague groups!
Dear Cindy,
I am from the Child World Foundation – India
We are launching a Nation wide movement to end Child Sexual abuse in India
I am a Steward of Children.
i don’t seem to be able to download the other info n related programs offered by Darkness to Light
We would appreciate guidance from you’ll.