Categories: Other, Our Perspective

The trouble with sleepovers

On April 30, D2L held its very first Reddit AMA on child sexual abuse prevention in honor of Child Abuse Awareness Month. We received many great questions that will be featured in our May blog series. QUESTION How concerned should I be letting my 3rd grade daughter sleep over at her classmate’s houses? She is …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

Talking to kids about bodies, sex, and boundaries

On April 30, D2L held its very first Reddit AMA on child sexual abuse prevention in honor of Child Abuse Awareness Month. We received many great questions that will be featured in our May blog series. QUESTION What are the best things to tell a child growing up that can help prevent child abuse or …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Teachable Moments: Snapchat

By now, many of you have heard about the popular app, Snapchat. Used by roughly 26 million people in the U.S., Snapchat allows its users to communicate via temporary photo and video sharing. After the 10-second viewing time expires, the shared photo or video “self-destructs,” never to be seen again. Or does it? What You …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Teenagers – Can’t Live With ‘Em; Can’t Live Without ‘Em

“Another possible source of guidance for teenagers is television, but television’s message has always been that the need for truth, wisdom and world peace pales by comparison with the need for a toothpaste that offers whiter teeth *and* fresher breath.”– Dave Berry     The teenage years can be difficult, both for teens and for …

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