Categories: Education, Featured Posts, General News, News and Events, Other

What it Takes to Protect Children, Our Summer Camp Toolkit

Two Boys Enjoying Kayaking On Lake
Summer camp, whether overnight camp or day camp, is a time for kids to experience recreational fun balanced with growing independence.  When making a choice about the camps your child will attend, it’s important to know what to ask. More than likely you will be asking questions about the daily schedule and how they handle homesick …

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Categories: General News, Other, Our Perspective

Reopening: Safe Summer Activities

Summer is almost halfway through (can you believe it?!) and your summertime fun has almost certainly looked different this year. How do you ensure your kids have a safe summer? You may have had to change your routine, planned activities, and maybe even your finances as a result of safety precautions. We’re all navigating this …

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Categories: General News, Other, Our Perspective

Reopening: Summer Camp Safety!

Every summer, kids look forward with excitement to camp, and some parents rely on the experiences so they can work while school is out. While COVID-19 is still a concern, it’s clear that summertime activities like camp will look a little different than usual. This year, some camps are not opening at all, while some …

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