Categories: Other, Things We Like, YMCA

Pocono Family YMCA offers program to spot signs of child sex abuse

Excerpt from Child abuse does not necessarily involve violence or anger. Abuse often involves adults using their power over children as objects for their own gratification. Parents take their children for regular pediatrician visits, make sure they receive all their immunizations and eat nutritious food — all in order to protect their child. “But …

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Categories: Misc, Other

The Georgia Initiative: We don’t do this alone

Darkness to Light exists only because organizations and individuals around the nation take responsibility for preventing child sexual abuse in their own communities. It is an issue which affects each and every one of us — and when we all come together big things can happen. Georgia is a stellar example of this, and we …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Our Perspective, Things We Like

College of Charleston Kappa Delta’s have raised over $170,000 for D2L

As a Kappa Delta, as well as an intern for Darkness to Light, it has been extremely eye opening to merge two of my biggest passions. One of the reasons I was drawn to Kappa Delta Sorority was because of their connection to fighting childhood sexual abuse. Through Kappa Delta Sorority I have had the …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Things We Like

Darkness to Light training educates on the child sexual abuse ‘epidemic’

Excerpt from Three years ago, my friend Lane Olives and I sat in the training room at the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy (GCCA) for the first time. Lane had been a supporter of the center for several years, and convinced me and a few other moms to go to a “Darkness To Light” …

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