Categories: News and Events, Other, Things We Like

A Strong Finish to Child Abuse Prevention Month

By Mary Elizabeth Huggins Child Abuse Prevention Month ended on a strong note in Louisiana. On April 30, the Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice partnered with Child Advocacy Services to train 12 supervisors to become authorized facilitators of Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children program. These new facilitators are just the beginning — the Office …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

We all have responsibility in protecting children

Excerpt from By: BART KLIKA I remember feeling helpless, but, man, I had been there before. Watching a 20-something father trying to convince his screaming and kicking daughter that it was time to leave the park reminded me of the countless times I have been faced with a similar dilemma. As a bystander, I …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Surviving and Thriving: Sexual abuse survivor looks to spread awareness

Excerpt from The Daily Times. When Rhonda Stinnett first saw the news of a recent court case — wherein a Blount County man was sentenced to probation after the alleged physical and sexual abuse of three young children — she felt sick. Then she felt anger, and then, finally, resolve. Armed with that resolve, she …

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Categories: News and Events, Other

Workshop Helps Illustrate Abuse Symptoms

Excerpt from MIFFLINBURG — Sexually abused children don’t show many physical signs, said a Valley physician who works with these young victims. They have less-than-obvious psychological symptoms that easily can be written off to something else. Helping adults see these signs is the goal of “Stewards of Children,” a free, two-hour interactive training session …

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Categories: News and Events, Other

Letter to the Editor: Learn More About Child Sexual Abuse

Excerpt from You have probably heard something about the recent legislative changes regarding child abuse and child protection. For some of you, this may have raised some questions, including how will you recognize the signs of abuse and how will you respond when you suspect abuse. Darkness to Light is an organization that was …

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