Categories: Other, Success Stories, YMCA

Nearly 6,000 Adults Trained to Fight Child Sexual Abuse

Excerpt from One in 10 children will suffer some form of sexual abuse before their 18th birthday, according to Darkness to Light, a national nonprofit organization that raises awareness of and educates on child sexual abuse. Using Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children training program, Centre County is fighting that statistic. By mid-August, 5,822 …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Success Stories

The Power of Prevention Training for Legislators

New York legislator and staff take Stewards of Children   Recently, Child Advocacy Program (CAP) Executive Director and D2L Authorized Facilitator Jana McDermott provided Stewards of Children training to Congressman Tom Reed of the 23rd District, along with multiple staff from the district office, county executive’s office, and state assemblyman’s office. According to one attendee, …

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Categories: News and Events, Other

Crossing the Line: Child and Teen Sexual Abuse

Excerpt from By: TODD FAULKNER Child and teen sexual abuse in the area is difficult to talk about for many people. Preventing it can be just as challenging, but it is important. Lauren Barks with the Purchase Area Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center works to prevent abuse. “We’re really trying to change the …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Forty-Nine Years Later

By: C. David Moody, Jr. No one ever knew that when I was 10 years old, my babysitter’s son sexually abused me. My mother suspected something wasn’t right, but she didn’t know how to talk to me about it. Forty-nine years later, I still feel the effects: PTSD, panic attacks, low self-esteem. But since I …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

What Would You Do?

A child is alone in the restroom and an adult tries to walk in. What would you do? This was a decision faced by a young recreation center employee. The facility had a policy prohibiting isolated, one-on-one situations and so the employee was holding the door for children to use the facility restroom one at …

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