5 Reasons Why the NEW Stewards of Children: Updated Statistics

Raise awareness during Child Abuse Prevention Month! Every April we commemorate Child Abuse Prevention Month, a national holiday devoted to raising awareness about the importance of child well-being, strategies to keep kids safe, and supporting families and communities in preventing the maltreatment of children. This year, join us on a month-long journey as we go …
The statistic that 1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday is one of the most staggering statistics we have regarding the impact of child sexual abuse. This statistic is different than the widely accepted “1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys.” We are often asked, “Why are you …
Help us tell the world that one million is not enough. Share this graphic to help spread awareness of the issue and then join the Darkness to Light movement to protect children at www.D2L.org/JoinUs.
By Ellen Magnis It’s hard to believe that it is April again, the time when those of us who live in the world of child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment put out our rallying cries in a louder voice perhaps than at any other time of year. It is our soapbox time, our time to signal to our communities to …