Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Why is child sexual abuse awareness stuck in the 1950s?

Excerpt from Margaret Hoelzer is a two-time U.S. Olympic athlete in swimming, and a child sexual abuse survivor. I was in the audience as she spoke to a group of child advocates – professionals who, like our employees at Child Enrichment, work with child victims of abuse every day. Margaret informed us and motivated …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Things We Like

Ready for Our Close-up: The Stewards of Children World Premiere

Theatre lights dimmed and popcorn bags crinkled quietly as over 230 people settled into their seats, preparing for the night’s premiere. Throughout the feature, moviegoers were riveted to the events on the screen, sometimes nodding, sometimes laughing, and sometimes crying. As the credits rolled, featured cast members appeared on the stage to a standing ovation …

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