Categories: Other, Our Perspective

Technology: Friend or Foe?

Technology. We love it. And we hate it. Innovations like the telephone, electricity, and internet bring a level of comfort and ease to our lives that our ancestors never could have imagined. But these things are also creating a significant increase in online exploitation of children—a form of human sex trafficking.   When the COVID-19 …

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Categories: General News, Guest Blog, Other, Our Perspective

Why Kids Run Away + How We Can Help

The blog below, written by Darkness to Light’s Brand Manager Anna Warner, was originally published on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). The original listing can be found here. All children need–and deserve–safety, security, and a sense of belonging. Running away may indicate that kids are not getting those needs met at …

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Categories: General News, Home, Other

Child Trafficking

Human trafficking affects the most vulnerable in our society: children. No matter where you live, chances are child sex trafficking is happening nearby. Learn to protect kids from trafficking today!
Categories: Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, News and Events, Our Perspective

Safety from Online Exploitation

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in reports of the online exploitation of children. Trafficking is happening everywhere: not just in developing countries, but also in first world nations and especially online. Last year saw changes in child abuse reporting rates and trafficking reporting rates that show an increase in the …

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Categories: General News, Home, Press Releases

Darkness to Light Announces More Than 1.8 Million Adults Trained

Darkness to Light announces more than 1.8 million adults trained to prevent child sexual abuse. In February of 2019 we reached an amazing milestone: we trained 1.7 million adults to prevent child sexual abuse! We were thrilled. However, this wasn’t enough for our Authorized Facilitators and Instructors. Through their dedication and partnership, 100,000 more adults …

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