Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

What Would You Do?

Excerpt from the Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center April newsletter WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO PROTECT YOUR CHILD? WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO HELP KEEP CHILDREN SAFE FROM ABUSE? WILL YOU BELIEVE? You are at work and receive a call from your child’s after-school sitter informing you that your child came home from playing in …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Olga Trujillo Presentation in Charleston

Last Friday a group of us from D2L had the opportunity to attend a seminar called The Impact of Child Abuse: A Personal Journey Revealed presented by Olga Trujillo, J.D. Thank you to Libby Ralston and The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center in Charleston for making this seminar possible. Olga Trujillo is an independent consultant, …

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