A Letter to Jerry Sandusky, Coward
“I don’t believe you’re a monster, Jerry. But I do believe a part of you really wanted to make a difference in these boys’ lives. You still can: tell the truth.” ~ Gretl Claggett
“I don’t believe you’re a monster, Jerry. But I do believe a part of you really wanted to make a difference in these boys’ lives. You still can: tell the truth.” ~ Gretl Claggett
Sex-abuse victims urged to seek help By Glenn Smith With the sexual molestation case against coach Louis “Skip” ReVille likely to grow, a local youth treatment center wants parents to know that help is available and hope is not lost. The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center in Charleston has reached out to the many places …
Reducing sex abuse of children BY JOLIE LOGAN Sunday, November 6, 2011 Last week’s allegations of child sexual abuse against a local assistant principal and coach have brought shock, dismay and outrage. The accused was in a position of trust, and our tri-county community is in search of answers. There may be a rush to …
Last Friday, September 23, 2011 the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance came together to discuss child protection. Thirty-nine Ys were present at the meeting, and all approved taking D2L’s Stewards of Children program to scale and moving ahead with implementing the training program in their communities. Rick Gorab, CEO of the Metro YMCAs of the …
This month we finalized a dramatic leap forward in our mission in the form of partnership with a group of large YMCA’s up and down the eastern seaboard. As an organization this means we are moving out of start-up phase and into a true large-scale operating phase. To support this evolution in our organization’s life, …