Categories: Other, Our Perspective, YMCA

Obligated to Protect: The Need for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention in Organizations

In late November, Penn State settled with six more victims of convicted child sexual abuser Jerry Sandusky, growing the university’s total payout to an astonishing $93 million. Penn State’s financial payments should serve notice, that as a nation we are overdue for a plan for child sexual abuse prevention in youth serving organizations, educational settings, …

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Categories: Other, Success Stories, YMCA

Nearly 6,000 Adults Trained to Fight Child Sexual Abuse

Excerpt from One in 10 children will suffer some form of sexual abuse before their 18th birthday, according to Darkness to Light, a national nonprofit organization that raises awareness of and educates on child sexual abuse. Using Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children training program, Centre County is fighting that statistic. By mid-August, 5,822 …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Success Stories, Things We Like

5% of Centre County Adults are Now Empowered to Protect Children

We at D2L congratulate Pennsylvania’s Centre County community for reaching a tipping point in prevention! By training five percent of the adult population in families, schools, and youth serving organizations like the YMCA with Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children child sexual abuse prevention program, they are creating a new standard of safety. Tipping points …

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Categories: News and Events, Other

It’s Not About Football: Why the discussion around Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno, and Penn State needs to change

Last year, the documentary “Happy Valley” premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. This award-winning film examines the abuse scandal at Penn State, the environment in which it happened, and the emotional aftermath felt by the community. Aside from offering a ground level view of the events and attitudes surrounding an event that shook the foundation …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Success Stories, YMCA

Officers become the pupils through “Stewards of Children” training

Excerpt from STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Centre County agencies that help children are on a mission to train 5,800 adults on how to prevent child sexual abuse. The program is called The Stewards of Children, and on Monday, dozens of police officers were the pupils. The NCAA gave Centre County agencies $500,000 for this …

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