Categories: Home, Our Perspective

Coaching Can Be Complicated

Let’s face it. Coaching can be complicated. As a coach, you’re a mix of coach, parent, educator, and motivator. You see the promise in your athletes, pushing them to achieve things they might not have thought possible. Celebrating their successes and counseling them through short-comings, you develop a close personal relationship with the athletes you …

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Categories: Home, Our Perspective

Keeping Your Athlete Safe

With kids back in school, school and club sports are back in session and parents are meeting the challenges of supporting their young athletes. As a parent, you’re investing time, money, and lots of energy in your child and their success at every level of competition. You find yourself playing the roles of motivator, encourager, …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

First Line of Defense

By: Paula Sellars, M.S.W., Author/Director, Stewards of Children Safe adults are the first line of defense against child sexual abuse (CSA). In fact, the adults in a child’s life are most responsible for whether sexual abuse occurs because adults are most capable of the judgment and skill that CSA prevention requires. Understanding how sexual predators …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Who Is Responsible for Keeping Kids Safe From Sexual Abuse?

By: Jayneen Sanders Some advocates believe it is solely an adult’s responsibility to protect children from sexual abuse. While I totally agree that adults must: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators, statistics on child sexual abuse, the signs that a child is being sexually abused, what …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

The need for child sexual abuse legislation

On April 30, D2L held its very first Reddit AMA on child sexual abuse prevention in honor of Child Abuse Awareness Month. We received many great questions that will be featured in our May blog series. QUESTION Do you think the government should mandate preventative education for K-8? OUR ANSWER Over the past few years, …

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