Categories: Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, DEI, Guest Blog, Honest Conversation, News and Events, Our Perspective, Survivor Stories, Survivor Stories Featured

Honest Conversations: Believing Survivors

In Honest Conversations episode 6, we sat down with three passionate advocates to discuss protecting Orthodox Jewish kids from abuse. Watch the full conversation below.  The issues facing the Jewish community aren’t unique—just watch our previous conversations about the stigmas and challenges in Hispanic and Black communities. It’s clear that community leadership is key when …

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Categories: Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, DEI, Guest Blog, Honest Conversation, News and Events, Our Perspective, Survivor Stories, Survivor Stories Featured

Spotlight: Supporting Hispanic Survivors

This week we sat down with Rosa Beltré to discuss the nuances and best practices of supporting Hispanic survivors of child sexual abuse. Rosa serves as the Executive Director of the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, a state-wide coalition that advocates for comprehensive responses and rape crisis services for survivors and empowers communities to …

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Categories: Misc, Survivor Stories, Survivor Stories Featured

A Survivor Becomes An Advocate – Sylvia’s Story

I don’t talk about my story much. I guess it’s easier to suppress the feelings or forget about what happened years ago. I remember being a child in Guatemala, my birth country. My parents were working on migrating the family to the U.S. My father left several months before us. We lived in a large …

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