A Statement from the CEO: Justice & Human Rights
George Floyd and countless others in the black community have died unjust and heartbreaking deaths. For days I’ve tried to thoughtfully process how I wanted to address the Darkness to Light community at large – processing my grief, individually calling my team members to check in on their mental health and well-being, and gathering together as a team to discuss our course of action moving forward. …
Stress, Resiliency, and COVID-19
Digital Safety Tips
According to the New York Times, tech companies reported over 45 million online photos and videos of children being sexually abused in 2018 – more than double what they found the previous year. For parents, caregivers, and concerned citizens, headlines like this can be overwhelming and disheartening. How can this be the case? And how …
Protocolos de seguridad para el aprendizaje en línea: Para padres
For English, click here. Con escuelas en movimiento hacia el aprendizaje digital, es posible que sus hijos pasen más tiempo en línea. Ya sea con juegos o clases en línea o al socializar con amigos, están delante de una pantalla más de lo normal. Entonces, ¿cómo puede asegurarse de que estén a salvo en línea? …