Spotlight: A Hispanic Perspective on Abuse
As an immigrant and survivor, I know there is stigma that surrounds sexual abuse; the perspective in Hispanic communities is that we do not share our pain or talk about uncomfortable topics. Even now that I have disclosed what happened to me, I have always felt like the topic wants to be forgotten. In recent …
Homeschooling and Keeping Kids Safe in the Year of COVID-19
As the fall season begins, school does too. Things are a little different this year – some schools will have much smaller class sizes, some will be holding classes on alternating days, some will teach totally virtual courses, some a hybrid of both, and some parents have opted to adapt to homeschooling (or a version …
Honest Conversations: Abuse Safety in Black Communities
Adapting for Safety at the Doctor’s Office
As a result of COVID-19, we’ve all had to make some lifestyle changes. Businesses have had to adapt, too. There are lots of precautions that businesses, organizations, and doctor’s offices have taken to ensure safety from the virus, but sometimes those precautions don’t include child protection behaviors or abuse prevention. One key element of prevention …