Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

Moving the conversation from scandal to prevention

In my time at D2L, it hasn’t been the statistics or the headlines that startle me most.   Instead, it’s the lack of national awareness of child sexual abuse as an issue that affects everyone and needs to be addressed. We believe children should have environments that protect and nurture, but we don’t see that …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

Portrait of a Perpetrator

What does a person who sexually abuses children look like? We hear all the time, “I could tell if he was a child molester.” The reality is that you can’t. Most child molesters aren’t creepy men in vans. They aren’t hardened criminals. They aren’t from one race, gender, or sexual orientation. Those who sexually abuse …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

What Would You Do?

A child is alone in the restroom and an adult tries to walk in. What would you do? This was a decision faced by a young recreation center employee. The facility had a policy prohibiting isolated, one-on-one situations and so the employee was holding the door for children to use the facility restroom one at …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

Virtually Minimizing Opportunity for Abuse

When we talk about minimizing opportunity for child sexual abuse, many people think of eliminating physically isolated, one-on-one interactions. But it includes virtual interactions as well. Messaging To protect kids and reduce risk for abuse, communications between teachers, instructors, or coaches and their students should include parents. This includes emails, texts, and instant messages – …

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