Categories: Other, Things We Like

Free Webinar from Stop It Now!

How Understanding and Responding to Children’s Sexual Behaviors Can Prevent Child Sexual Abuse This workshop covers how to determine whether sexual behaviors in children are age-appropriate and how to respond to behaviors that are outside of what you would expect to see in children of various ages. This workshop is particularly appropriate for professionals who …

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Categories: Other, Things We Like

Chicks with Sticks

Facilitators from Carroll, Heard, and Haralson Counties in Georgia are now a part of the newly named West Georgia Partners to Prevent. During a recent Stewards training a Carrollton knitting group, Chicks with Sticks, knitted these facilitators (pictured below) green scarves to show their appreciation for the unified group. West Georgia Partners to Prevent have …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Charleston Kiwanis-A Partner in Prevention

Yesterday marked the third year I have spoken with the Charleston Kiwanis Club during National Prevention Month. This great group of people take prevention very seriously and have made it part of their policy that everyone must take Stewards of Children to be a member of the club. I felt a great sense of pride awarding them their Partner in …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Presidential Proclamation — National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, 2012

NATIONAL SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS AND PREVENTION MONTH, 2012 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Though we have come far in the fight to reduce sexual violence, the prevalence of sexual assault remains an affront to our national conscience that we cannot ignore.  This month, we stand with survivors of sexual …

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