Categories: Misc, Other

Sex abuse prevention expands to Hispanic residents in Medford, Oregon

A$50,000 federal grant is allowing the Children’s Advocacy Center to get Spanish-language messages about preventing child abuse out into the Hispanic community, said Marlene Mish, executive director. In the past, Mish has had to bring a translator while performing Darkness to Light outreach education about child sexual abuse within the Hispanic community. SEVEN STEPS TO …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Things We Like

Actress Challen Cates talks about her work and her passion for Darkness to Light

Challen Cates an actress, mother, and adult survivor of child sexual abuse was recently interviewed about her current work on the hugely popular Nickelodean’s Big Time Rush about her role and her support of Darkness to Light. Challen believes in the importance of bringing awareness to adults on how to prevent childhood sexual abuse and …

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Categories: Misc, Other, YMCA

YMCA and State’s Attorney partner to educate 43,000 residents in Prince George’s County

This week, the YMCA of Metropolitan Washington and Prince George’s County State Attorney Angela Alsobrooks announced a new partnership for prevention using Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children to educate 43,000 residents in MD.  This partnership is a vital step towards building a safer community. “For too long, our children have been told not to …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

D2L CEO, Jolie Logan, presents at annual meeting of Attorneys General in Alaska

On June 20th Jolie spoke at the annual AG meeting in Anchorage Alaska.  With the issue of child sexual abuse on top of mind of all Americans but especially on those who are responsible for law enforcement and criminal justice, Jolie called on the AGs to use their voice and influence to get others in …

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Categories: Misc, Other

D2L Spreecast – LIVE Q&A With Director of Programs

We’re very excited to invite everyone to our first LIVE Spreecast. TODAY at 2:00 (EST), Director of Programs Cindy McElhinney will be available to answer live questions from our D2L office in Charleston, SC. Cindy will be discussing “Lessons Learned from Sandusky.” Come ready with questions and thoughts, and let’s generate a great prevention-focused conversation …

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