Categories: Education, General News, Other

Making Spaces Safer. What is an Environmental Scan?

What are Environmental Scans? Kids in Art Room
Step 2 of the 5 Steps to Protecting Children™, our framework for preventing child sexual abuse is Minimize Opportunity. We know that more than 80% of sexual abuse cases occur in isolated, one-on-one situations. So if you eliminate or reduce isolated, one-on-one situations between children and adults, as well as children and other youth, you’ll …

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Categories: Education, General News, Other

Keeping Kids Safe, Our Family Safety Toolkit

mom and sons
Keeping children safe is something that every good parent and caregiver strives to do. From the moment they enter our lives, we are navigating obstacles that affect their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Danger may come from the physical environment around them or from the activities that they enjoy. We may be trying to shield …

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Categories: Education, Guides, Other

Top Tips for Hiring Care Givers

As summer approaches, we may find ourselves needing to find childcare solutions for our little ones. Whether we are looking for center-based care, home based care, day camps and recreation programs, a nanny, an occasional babysitter or having to call on family or friends, we need to know that our children will be safe. Use …

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Categories: Education, General News, Other

Introducing Child Safety Pledge; Taking a Stand to Keep Children Happy & Safe

Darkness to Light recently expanded our resources through Child Safety Pledge, a new platform to specifically meet the needs of parents and caregivers as they protect the children in their care. Here’s why we’re so excited about the newest addition to the Darkness to Light brand family. Parents lack a comprehensive resource for keeping kids …

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Categories: Education, General News, Other

Child Sexual Abuse + Social Behavior Change

Through a combination of research, education, and community advocacy, Darkness to Light uses a social behavior change approach to pioneer new training initiatives that bring child sexual abuse prevention to the attention of the broader cultural conversation.   Social Behavior Change is a proven approach for enabling changes at individual, community, and societal levels to improve …

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