Categories: Other, YMCA

Woburn YMCA offers free sex abuse prevention program

The Boston Globe – By Christina Jedra Lisa Young of Winchester, left, listened during the YMCA’s free program to prevent sexual abuse of children. WOBURN — They gathered in a room where kids go to practice rock climbing. But as the morning unfolded, the handful of adults at the North Suburban YMCA confronted one of …

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Categories: Other, Things We Like, YMCA

Home not a safe place for abused kids

Delaware State News by Craig Anderson DOVER — Earl Bradley and Jerry Sandusky are names the public recognizes as predators. But there are scores of less recognized names committing child abuse every day. And many are relatives or people who shares the homes of the children they are abusing. Children’s Advocacy Center of Delaware officials said these …

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Categories: Other, Things We Like, YMCA

Training can help prevent child abuse

Jan. 26, 2013 @ 03:22 PM The Herald-Sun By Susan Gladin, guest columnist At this stage in my life I am not around children very often, and when I am with Helena, age 9, her mom is usually around too.  If you had asked me if I needed to participate in a workshop on child …

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