Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Teenagers – Can’t Live With ‘Em; Can’t Live Without ‘Em

“Another possible source of guidance for teenagers is television, but television’s message has always been that the need for truth, wisdom and world peace pales by comparison with the need for a toothpaste that offers whiter teeth *and* fresher breath.”– Dave Berry     The teenage years can be difficult, both for teens and for …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Greenville, Texas – A Partner in Prevention

We are thrilled to welcome the city of Greenville, Texas as a new Darkness to Light Partner in Prevention! To become a Partner, Greenville trained 90% of city staff and volunteers in D2L’s Stewards of Children prevention training. Authorized facilitator, Cher Perry, is beyond excited about this fantastic achievement. She shares, “In one week, I …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Our Perspective, Things We Like

Bermuda Woman Recognized for Child Protection Efforts

After four years at Darkness to Light, I continue to be so inspired by the very many folks out there doing amazing work in their communities to protect children. It’s one thing to have a great program like Stewards of Children, but it is nothing without the dedicated individuals who use the program to teach …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

A Policy of Prevention

Raise your hand if you have had or will have a physical exam this year. What about a dental checkup and tooth-cleaning? Okay, you don’t have to raise your hand, but consider the following: Annual physical exams comprise 8% of all doctor’s visits throughout the year. 45 million Americans will begin a diet this year, …

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Categories: Other, Our Perspective

Growing Roses

“It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.” –– George Eliot   Most people can agree that the rose is one of nature’s most beautiful flowers. A vase of roses can brighten a room, and there is nothing quite like a rose bush filled with blooms …

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