Categories: News and Events, Other, Things We Like

Penn State students put feet down to stamp out child sexual abuse

By Centre Daily Times reporter, Mike Dawson — UNIVERSITY PARK — A Penn State student-organized walk raised more than $8,300 that will be used to educate local people about preventing and recognizing child [sexual] abuse. Donning dark blue T-shirts, about 100 students looped around campus Wednesday for the walk sponsored by Penn State’s chapter …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Things We Like

A Fresh Look at Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

D2L is proud to release a new version of our award-winning Stewards of Children® training program and documentary film designed to teach adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Building on the longstanding success of the original training, which has reached over 500,000 adults throughout the nation and world, the …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Things We Like, YMCA

Patti Marlowe speaks about living a parent’s worst nightmare: Finding out her daughter had been sexually abused

JAMESTOWN, NC — Outside of a restaurant on a cold afternoon in December 2005, Patti Patti Marlowe learned a secret her daughter had kept from her, from everyone, for 10 years. The family — Marlowe’s new husband, stepchildren and her 16-year-old daughter — was at a restaurant after church. Marlowe’s daughter was urgent. “Mom, I have …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

The Great Wasp Caper of 2013, or Day of Caring as a Metaphor

The day started out innocently… Last Friday, Darkness to Light staff participated in the Charleston city-wide Day of Caring sponsored by Trident United Way. This one-day event allows residents and organizations to volunteer at one of many locations throughout the community to encourage the spirit of volunteerism throughout the year. On Friday morning, D2L team …

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Categories: Misc, Other, YMCA

New Jersey YMCA Facilitators Come Together

On September 12, 2013, 45 New Jersey facilitators from YMCAs came together for the first statewide facilitator conference. During the conference the facilitators shared with each other successes and lessons learned. The group also discussed a roll out plan for a large online training initiative that will start in October. Working with community partners such as Prevent …

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