Categories: Misc, Other, Success Stories, Survivor Stories, Things We Like

Meet the Stewards of Children Survivors: Dave Moody

The new Stewards of Children® features eight brave child sexual abuse survivors who, as adults, have chosen to share their personal stories to ensure other children are protected. We are proud to have them as part of the Stewards of Children family! David Moody, Jr., is a native of Chicago, Illinois, and now resides in …

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Categories: Other, YMCA

New Jersey YMCA State Alliance Honors Darkness to Light

Last night at the annual New Jersey YMCA State Alliance Banquet, Darkness to Light was named this year’s Social Responsibility Champion! The NJ YMCA State Alliance has a goal of training 83,000 adults.  They will kick off their official online training initiative on October 23rd. The YMCA and New Jersey YMCA State Alliance continue to …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

A New Prevalence Statistic: 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before they reach 18

Many of you are familiar with the statement, “One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.” This statistic came from the original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Over the past two decades, it has been widely used within …

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Categories: Other, YMCA

Child abuse prevention program kicks off – High Point, North Carolina

Dana Bentley, left, and Kimberly Cousineau place their name badge on a board to show their support and commitment of becoming a Stewards of Children for the Darkness to Light child sexual abuse prevention program. LAURA GREENE | HPE (13/0926) HIGH POINT — North Carolina Nonprofit leaders gathered in the fellowship hall of Wesley Memorial …

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Categories: News and Events, Other, Things We Like

Ready for Our Close-up: The Stewards of Children World Premiere

Theatre lights dimmed and popcorn bags crinkled quietly as over 230 people settled into their seats, preparing for the night’s premiere. Throughout the feature, moviegoers were riveted to the events on the screen, sometimes nodding, sometimes laughing, and sometimes crying. As the credits rolled, featured cast members appeared on the stage to a standing ovation …

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