Categories: Misc, Other

Looking at the World Differently

By Ken BurgerCan 10 people gathered in a small room on a Friday afternoon save a child from the nightmarish hell of living with the scars of sexual abuse? Yes and no. They might save more. Someone taking the Darkness To Light training session may recognize a problem before it starts, scare a predator away …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Teachers to Take Prevention Training

Darkness to Light offers education program to help recognize signsBy Diette Courrégé The Post and Courier Monday, September 7, 2009 A program of child sexual abuse prevention, recognition and response will be taught to all teachers in the Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester 2 school districts by the end of the year, the districts have pledged. …

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Categories: Other

Child sexual abuse can be prevented

Letter to Herald Times Reporter Touting “Stewards of Children“ In lieu of the recent news articles showing the prevalence and effects of sexual abuse, my hope is many are asking, “How can we prevent this atrocity from repeating itself in this community? Holy Family Memorial’s Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC), in collaboration with Lakeshore CAP, …

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Categories: Other

Childhood Stories

We recently posted our Childhood Stories documentary on our website and we encourage everyone to check it out. This documentary explains exactly Why We Do What We Do. Childhood Stories

Categories: Other


We’ve gotten our YouTube channel up and going and we’re excited to be able to reach people through another avenue. So far our channel is primarily PSAs we’ve used past and present, and we hope to be able to provide you with stimulating and useful information regarding child sexual abuse PREVENTION. Darkness2Light Channel