Categories: Other

National Sex Offender Registry

Click HERE to view the U.S. National Sex Offender Registry (SOR). Most of the state registries are very effective and allow you to search by neighborhood, name, or zip code. As we said in our Tuesday Talking Point, knowledge is power, and becoming more aware of offenders around you allows you to better protect the …

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Categories: Other

Looking at the World Differently: Ken Burger on Prevention Trainings

By Ken Burger Can 10 people gathered in a small room on a Friday afternoon save a child from the nightmarish hell of living with the scars of sexual abuse? Yes and no. They might save more. Someone taking the Darkness To Light training session may recognize a problem before it starts, scare a predator …

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Categories: Other

A Parent Guide for Selecting Youth Serving Organizations

Child Safety is a Parent’s Responsibility Keeping children safe is the responsibility of adults! You would not allow your child to play on broken playground equipment, ride in a car without a seatbelt or child seat, or have access to poisonous substances. However, one survey showed that fewer than 30% of parents take proactive steps …

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Categories: Other

Economic Impact Calculator

<br> After we posted our Tuesday Talking Point regarding the economic impact of child sexual abuse in the United States, I think it’s fair to say that people were shocked with what they heard and read. In the U.S. reported cases of child sexual abuse represent the second most expensive victim crime behind murder, costing …

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