Categories: Other

Thank You Mo’Nique

If you didn’t catch the Golden Globes last night, Best Supporting Actress Mo’Nique gave a touching speech in which she encouraged all abuse survivors to “TELL!” Thank You Mo’Nique for being such a courageous inspiration. Amid the glitz and glamor, Mo’Nique found time to bring us back to earth and recognize the tragedy that is …

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Categories: Other

Become a Part of the Solution

Stewards of Children is Darkness to Light’s award winning, evidenced based child sexual abuse PREVENTION program. We have over 2,200 trained Stewards Facilitators in 47 States and 10 Countries so chances are we have a presence near you. In an ideal world everyone would have child sexual abuse prevention training, while we can’t reach everyone, …

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Categories: Other, Things We Like

‘Precious’ is the Latest Film to Show the Ugly Side of Life

Child abuse, and child sexual abuse in particular, are still major taboos in our society. Only by shedding light on such dark topics can we ever expect to see a positive change. “Darkness can not drive out Darkness, only Light can do that.” MLK Los Angeles Times By Janet Kinosian The film “Precious: Based on …

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Categories: Other

Adults’ Responsibility in Child Sexual Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse: The Hidden Epidemic Child sexual abuse is a hidden but significant problem in every community in America. Experts estimate that one in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Less than one in ten will tell. Research clearly shows that individuals who are sexually …

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