Categories: Other

Steward of Children Online

A web-based sexual abuse prevention training program designed to educate adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The training equips and empowers adults to keep children safe. Take the training!

Categories: Other

Journeys of Hope – John Doyle

Child Abuse Effects Are Life Long By John Caroll DoyleRenowned Artist I am a recovering alcoholic. And a good deal of that was numbing the pain of sexual abuse. Seventeen years ago I quit drinking and doing drugs. Since then my life work is to try to understand why people hurt, molest, and abuse other …

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Categories: Other

March Fourth for PREVENTION!

Today we want to send a command out to everyone and encourage the world to “March Fourth for PREVENTION!” Today is a day for action and progress so let’s turn our attention to ending child sexual abuse. Together, if we each carry our own weight, we can move mountains and change society for the better! …

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Categories: Other

A spotlight can help end child sexual abuse

Washington PostMichele Booth Cole Some influential voices are being heard lately regarding child sexual abuse: editorials and articles on the devastating case of slain 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell; D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee’s comments in Fast Company magazine; allegations against a veteran Sidwell Friends School teacher; pedophiles and adult survivors featured on “Oprah”; and …

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Categories: Other, Success Stories

State PTA Endorses Darkness To Light Sexual Abuse Training

CBS 7 Spartanburg Columbia, SC —A state initiative to train teachers and school employees how to prevent child sexual abuse has gained endorsement and financial support from the South Carolina Parent Teacher Association. The PTAs board unanimously voted to partner with the South Carolina Department of Education to promote the Darkness to Light program that …

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