Categories: Misc, Other

Advocacy center is here for the children

A group of folks have come together to offer comfort and hope during what would be one of the most trying times in a child’s life. Southmountain Children and Family Services has established a Child Advocacy Center in McDowell County, and Southmountain staff and local dignitaries were on hand Wednesday morning for a dedication and …

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Categories: Other, Success Stories

Dorchester School District Two Records Prevention Training Milestone

100-percent of District Teachers, Employees Complete Training To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Charleston, S.C. – June 10, 2010 – In just 18 months, Dorchester School District Two has become a leading district in the state to help prevent, recognize and react responsibly to signs of child sexual abuse. District officials announced this week that 100-percent …

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Categories: Other

Help Darkness to Light Protect Children Directly Through EBAY

Until July 4, you have the opportunity to help Darkness to Light raise $15,000 by selecting Darkness to Light as your favorite charity through your ebay account. If we can get all 26,580 of you with an ebay account to register Darkness to Light as your favorite charity, we can protect 15,000 kids from sexual …

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Categories: Other

Some Things to Consider Over the Weekend

The statistics are shocking 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96) 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96) 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the internet. (30, 87) Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur …

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