Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Happy Birthday D2L!

2010 marks the 10th year that we have been working to prevent child sexual abuse. In the past ten years, we have grown from one frustrated survivor shocked that no national prevention program existed to a ground-breaking, grassroots, comprehensive prevention movement. From these humble beginnings came Stewards of Children, the only evidenced-based child sexual abuse prevention training available. …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

“If I can make one good thing happen from this horrible thing then it was worth it…

Pam Giesick is a brave soul and today we thank her for using the events of her past to help protect more children from being sexually abused. Every day more brave souls speak up about the horrific abuse they endured as a child and the devastating impact it has had on their lives. Did you …

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Categories: Other, Success Stories

Stewards of Children Making News in Nebraska

A newly trained facilitator, Matt Fosket, with the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center in North Platte, Nebraska, was recently featured in a great news story on Stewards of Children being offered in the local community.  Matt says they have been getting a lot of interest in the program.  In addition to the news feature, …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

200 Men Step Forward to Speak About Sexual Abuse – Watch Oprah November 5th and 12th

Shattering the stigma of abuse, 200 men are stepping forward and speaking out-some for the first time-about the trauma of their own childhood sexual abuse in a special two-part episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. Tyler Perry, returns for a groundbreaking discussion on Friday, November 5, and Friday, November 12, as fathers, husbands, sons and …

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