Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

The Darkness

You may have heard about a young man named Bill Zeller, a 5th year graduate student at Princeton University, who recently took his own life, leaving behind a heart wrenching suicide note describing how sexual abuse haunted him and kept him in endless darkness. Steve Collins, President of Adults Protecting Children, and a trained Darkness …

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Categories: News and Events, Other

Rates of Child Abuse on the Decline

Several new reports* are showing a downward trend in the rates of child abuse and neglect.  Many advocates and professionals in the area are trying to make sense of the data.  But, the news is good.  It means our collective efforts at improving response and services to abused children combined with significant prevention efforts aimed …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Walkin’ to End Child Sexual Abuse

Willie Nelson famously sang “Walkin’ is better than running away, and crawling ain’t no good at all.” Odd as it may sound, when I was sent this article about Louis Michael Figueroa, an Arizonian who has put over 7,500 miles on his New Balances to raise awareness about child abuse, it was Willie Nelson that …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Things We Like

New Tool for Parents and Teachers Helping Teach Kids About Abuse

A new tool called The Body Safety Box is helping parents and educators teach children important information on the danger of sexual abuse.  The program was developed by Dr. Missy Gryder, the President of H.E.L.P.S. project, an organization that teams up with elementary schools to bring sexual abuse prevention education to children in Kindergarten through …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Success Stories

A prevention movement taking root in Louisiana

Child sexual abuse prevention training has been ongoing in Louisiana for some time through the work of a few dedicated professionals throughout the state.  But with the recent addition of community awareness meetings and the formation of a coalition more adults are being trained than ever.  Case in point, a principal with Bridgetown Elementary School in …

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