Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Success Stories, Things We Like

What some Massachusetts public schools are doing to protect children

Susan Komisar Hausman, a Darkness to Light Stewards of Children facilitator extraordinaire, has been working tirelessly in Massachusetts to better protect kids from child sexual abuse.  Her recent work with several local school districts has resulted in significant changes that will have an immediate and tangible impact on the prevention of child sexual abuse.  Read …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

Anne Lee featured in People Magazine’s Heroes Among Us

Our very own Anne Lee is featured in this week’s People Magazine’s Heroes Among Us sharing her story of abuse and how that led her to launching Darkness to Light.  Anne truly is a “hero among us” for her tireless efforts to protect children from the devastating effects of sexual abuse.  We are so proud …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Why Kids Don’t Tell by Marlene Mish, Director of the Child Advocacy Center of Jackson County

One of the most frequent questions we get from the community is why kids don’t tell anyone about abuse, keep it a secret for so long, or never tell at all. A few facts will help us: Researchers tell us that only about 30% of abused children tell an adult or ask for help. Girls …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Sex Trafficking – 21st Century Slavery

Yesterday Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and John Cornyn (R-TX) re-introduced the Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Deterrence and Victims Support Act, a bill which seeks to put an end to what they describe as “modern-day slavery” and one of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S. It was standing-room only at a briefing that the Senators …

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