Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective, Success Stories, YMCA

Great example of media doing it right

Yesterday we pointed to a recent study about how the media is missing a major opportunity to talk about prevention of child sexual abuse.  Well occasionally we see a really well done piece that actually focuses entirely on prevention and showcases what a community is doing to protect children.  One such piece by WTVD-TV Raleigh-Durham, …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Success Stories

Arlington Texas city employees step up big time for prevention

Our good friends at the Alliance for Children in Fort Worth Texas and all of their partner organizations are on a mission to train 75,000 adults  in Tarrant County.  The latest group to come on board for this important initiative are the employees with the city of Arlington.  Dozens of Arlington city employees, including parks …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

Media consistently fails to mention the importance of prevention

We monitor the headlines and while it is disturbing reading at least 10 national headlines every day related to CSA, we know the numbers of children out there being abused each day is significantly greater.  We also know that the media has largely failed to combine the important message of prevention and what responsible adults …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Len Elmore on Sugar Ray

Last week we posted a blog about Sugar Ray Leonard and his courageous revelation that he was sexually abused as a boy by his Olympic boxing coach. Sugar Ray’s honesty is particularly important when you consider the “macho” stigma associated with a sport like boxing. This past Sunday, Len Elmore, former University of Maryland and …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Things We Like

Facebook Guide for Educators

Recognizing that social media plays a huge role in the lives of students as well as teachers, Facebook has created Facebook for Educators, a guide that explains how to properly use the social networking site and how it can be used as an educational resource.   The guide includes lots of helpful information for educators including …

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