Categories: Misc, Other

7 Steps to Protecting our Children-Step 2

By eliminating one adult/one child situations you can dramatically reduce the risk of child sexual abuse. Understand that abusers will become friendly with families in order to gain your trust and ultimately personal access to your child.  Know the actions you can take to minimize the opportunity for abusers to gain access to children. Encourage …

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Categories: Misc, Other

7 Steps to Protecting our Children-Step 1

In light of the attention child sexual abuse has been receiving lately, we thought it would be a great opportunity to revisit the 7 steps. So over the next week, we will be posting a step everyday. Step 1: Learn the facts. Understand the risks. Be aware of the threat that children face from CSA. Accept and acknowledge …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Lowcountry Live Talking the Gala!

Click on the blog’s title to see D2L on Lowcountry Live! For more information or to reserve your seats, please contact Katie Strumpf at 843-513-1619 or

Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Penn State Incident Should Empower All Adults To Better Protect Children

As individuals and communities, we are all impacted by the horrible allegations of child sexual abuse by a former assistant football coach at Penn Sate.  These reports leave us  wondering how such atrocities could happen when so many well-minded adults were around –– yet none took the necessary action steps to end the abuse and …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Trident Academy and surrounding communities come together for Prevention

The last few weeks for the town of Mount Pleasant have been ones of shock and fear as the actions of Louis “Skip” ReVille have come to light. Town members have been scrambling to find the right way to talk to their children about child sexual abuse and are in need of reassurance that the …

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