Categories: General News, Guest Blog, News and Events, Other

How We React and Respond Makes a Difference

How We React and Respond Makes a Difference - Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma have become a definitive part in how we address healing, in both children and adults. Educators are tasked to consider the traumas their students have experienced and how that might influence how they teach and interact with students. Those in healthcare are opening their eyes to the correlation between …

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Categories: General News, News and Events, Other

Beyond Stewards of Children™, A Training to Create Prevention Oriented Communities

Beyond Stewards of Children Banner Image with Woman and Child
Since 2004, Stewards of Children® has played a pivotal role in the protection of children from child sexual abuse in thousands of youth serving organizations. With the recent launch of Beyond Stewards of Children™ we are helping those organizations take their protection game to the next level. As its name suggests, Beyond Stewards of Children™ …

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Categories: Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, DEI, Honest Conversation, News and Events, Our Perspective

Honest Conversations: Child Protection in Native American Communities

While culture, customs, and languages vary, every community shares the pain of child sexual abuse. Our President & CEO Katelyn N. Brewer was joined by Dr. Kelly Hallman and Kimee Wind-Hummingbird to discuss the unique challenges and solutions to child protection in Native American communities in our latest episode of Honest Conversations. Ashley and Kevin …

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Categories: General News, News and Events, Other

NEW and IMPROVED Stewards of Children® Online

The much-anticipated update to Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children® Online is now available! This update introduces a modern and innovative approach to prevention education which better equips learners to take prevention beyond the training. But what exactly do we mean by “beyond the training?” It’s still a training, right?   Technically, yes. But we think …

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Categories: Featured Posts, General News, News and Events, Other

A Look Ahead: 2022

Below is the year-end letter sent to Darkness to Light’s friends and supporters from President and CEO Katelyn N. Brewer, regarding the future of child protection and our mission to protect all children from sexual abuse. Dear Friend, When you support Darkness to Light, you support a promise to help protect every child’s right to …

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