Categories: News and Events, Other

Johns Island Initiative Taking Shape

In late 2010 we were given a grant to help us really work on the prevention initiative on Johns Island. We have been so excited about the possibility of having funds to focus on this diverse area and are so thrilled to finally start getting our feet wet! A wonderful organziation is housed on Johns …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

The Darkness

You may have heard about a young man named Bill Zeller, a 5th year graduate student at Princeton University, who recently took his own life, leaving behind a heart wrenching suicide note describing how sexual abuse haunted him and kept him in endless darkness. Steve Collins, President of Adults Protecting Children, and a trained Darkness …

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Categories: News and Events, Other

Rates of Child Abuse on the Decline

Several new reports* are showing a downward trend in the rates of child abuse and neglect.  Many advocates and professionals in the area are trying to make sense of the data.  But, the news is good.  It means our collective efforts at improving response and services to abused children combined with significant prevention efforts aimed …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Happy Birthday D2L!

2010 marks the 10th year that we have been working to prevent child sexual abuse. In the past ten years, we have grown from one frustrated survivor shocked that no national prevention program existed to a ground-breaking, grassroots, comprehensive prevention movement. From these humble beginnings came Stewards of Children, the only evidenced-based child sexual abuse prevention training available. …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Our Perspective

200 Men Step Forward to Speak About Sexual Abuse – Watch Oprah November 5th and 12th

Shattering the stigma of abuse, 200 men are stepping forward and speaking out-some for the first time-about the trauma of their own childhood sexual abuse in a special two-part episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. Tyler Perry, returns for a groundbreaking discussion on Friday, November 5, and Friday, November 12, as fathers, husbands, sons and …

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