Categories: Misc, Other

Sexual Predator Gets 248 Years

“The name hit me. I repeated it to myself a couple of times. I got chills down my spine. I said to myself: ‘This is the guy who molested me.’ ” —Rick W. A hospital administrator, foster parent, and father of an adopted son abused boys for years and years. Christine Pelisek tells the full …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Be Counted…Add Your Name to the Petition

12 federal agencies have been given the task of developing a joint federal youth policy. We would like to see them include a requirement that youth-serving organizations receiving federal funds have organizational policies and procedures and training in child sexual abuse. They have been collecting input from the public and professionals in a variety of …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Another Public Figure Comes Forward as a Survivor

Another public figure has come forward as a survivor of sexual abuse. “Senator Scott Brown, describing a childhood of family violence and strife, reveals in his new autobiography that he was sexually assaulted as a 10-year-old by a summer camp counselor on Cape Cod.” Within the past few years, a rapidly growing number of celebrities …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other

Dancing with the Stars Pro Shares Her Story of Abuse

Cheryl Burke, of Dancing with the Stars fame, comes forward this week with her personal experience of sexual abuse as a child. “If I can help just one person” she says, “for me that’s all that matters.” Cheryl’s story appears in this week’s issue of People Magazine. See the preview of the article at …

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