Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

Stick with the Program People! – Lessons from Sandusky – Lesson #4

The verdict is in but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop the conversations about what we can learn from this case.  Today, let’s look at another valuable lesson to be learned. Abusers seek privacy in order to abuse children, and privacy is easier off-site, away from the facility, school, field, etc., outside regular program …

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Categories: Misc, Other

NY Times Parenting Blog, Motherlode, mentions D2L

KJ Dell’Antonia is a lead blogger for the NY Times parenting blog called Motherlode, Adventures in Parenting.  KJ’s blog post today, The Sandusky Verdict: Who Would Believe a Kid focuses on what parents can do to help prevent child sexual abuse. Jolie Logan of D2L says, “organizations must have policies requiring that anyone who sees something …

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Categories: Misc, Other, Our Perspective

The Verdict is In – Guilty on 45 Counts!

First, we would like to say that we are happy that justice has been served. We applaud the courage of the survivors who came forward to see that Jerry Sandusky pays for the crimes he committed. By sharing their painful story with the world, these men ensured that other children would be saved from this …

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Categories: Misc, Other

When One on One is a Red Flag – Lessons from Sandusky – Lesson #3

Abusers create opportunities to spend time alone with children.  If you minimize one adult – one child situations, you greatly reduce the risk of abuse. One can easily conclude based on testimony from the trial that Sandusky spent an inordinate amount of time with children outside the presence of other adults or children.  Predators prefer …

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Categories: Misc, Other

Scotty’s House wants to shed light on abuse

Scotty’s House, Precinct 3 Constable Rick Starnes and his deputy Gary Norton launched a campaign Wednesday to offer the “Darkness to Light” program to the Brazos Valley community. The workshop will be provided throughout the summer and into the fall on a demand basis, and will be available to anyone who asks for the program …

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