Make 2010 a Safe Place For Kids!

Categories: Other, Our Perspective

By: Laura Hunt
New Year’s resolutions can make a person nervous about whether they can achieve their goal? Why do I have the same goals each year? How about making a new resolution for 2010? Resolve to do your part to end child sexual abuse. Resolve to support prevention programs that help to educate and provide supportive services to children and families. Resolve to make 2010 a safe year for our children.

The media coverage of missing and exploited children is at an all- time high. It is all too common to think that it only happens in other people’s communities. The truth is, sexual abuse and exploitation happens EVERYWHERE. More than 20% of children each year are sexually abused in United States! These numbers leave us almost numb to the problem, as if it is too big for each of us to make a difference.

But we can make a difference.

Each one of us can provide a safety net for the children in our lives, our neighborhoods and our schools. Learn about child sexual abuse and how we can STOP it; take Stewards of Children, and encourage your friends and collegues to do the same.

It is now time for the adults in our community to get the skills to protect our kids from abuse. Resolve to take a stewards training in 2010. For every one adult trained, we can better protect TEN children from sexual abuse!

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