Categories: General News, Guest Blog, Home, News and Events, Other, School Safety

Educating Children & Adults

Educating both adults and children is important to preventing child abuse. At Darkness to Light, we focus on the prevention of child sexual abuse by educating adults. We believe it’s an adult’s responsibility to protect children, but we know educating both adults and children is vital to prevention. Empowering children to tell a trusted adult …

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Categories: Guest Blog, Other, Success Stories, Survivor Stories

A Personal Journey

My name is Timalee and I’m a survivor of child sexual abuse. I was abused at the hands of my paternal Grandfather from about ages 5 to 13. I was in my late 20’s when I first disclosed my secret. At that time, my Mom said the magic words “It’s not your fault,” which were …

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Categories: Guest Blog, Other, Success Stories

First of It’s Kind: Community-Wide Code of Conduct

A small town in Missouri rallies around a community-wide code of conduct. The small town of Bolivar, Missouri is thinking outside the box in their quest to protect children. Headed-up by the Polk County Community Task Force to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect, the town is creating a community-wide code of conduct aimed at helping businesses, …

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Categories: Board, Guest Blog

A Community Based Response to Keeping Children Safe

Ignite 2017 will welcome child sexual abuse professionals and experts, researchers, and individuals from across the country who share a commitment to the prevention of child sexual abuse. The conference will engage attendees on a national level to enhance their knowledge of child sexual abuse prevention as well as provide advanced training, connect successful community …

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