Categories: General News, Guest Blog, News and Events, Other

How We React and Respond Makes a Difference

How We React and Respond Makes a Difference - Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma have become a definitive part in how we address healing, in both children and adults. Educators are tasked to consider the traumas their students have experienced and how that might influence how they teach and interact with students. Those in healthcare are opening their eyes to the correlation between …

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Categories: General News, Guest Blog, Other, Our Perspective

Why Kids Run Away + How We Can Help

The blog below, written by Darkness to Light’s Brand Manager Anna Warner, was originally published on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). The original listing can be found here. All children need–and deserve–safety, security, and a sense of belonging. Running away may indicate that kids are not getting those needs met at …

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Categories: General News, Guest Blog

Digital Body Boundaries: a 21st Century Concept

Susan Kennedy shares expert advice from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about how and why to teach kids body boundaries in the digital age. Good news first; most kids aren’t being groomed, blackmailed, or otherwise exploited online. Not-so-great news next; according to a recent report from Thorn, producing, sharing, and re-sharing sexual …

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Categories: Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, Guest Blog, News and Events, Our Perspective, School Safety

Tips for Keeping Remote Students Safe

Schools can play a vital role in student safety and should continue to play this role for remote students. Schools provide important education for children and a space for them to discover who they are and form friendships. Schools also serve as a safe haven for some children. 30% of children who are sexually abused …

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Categories: Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, DEI, Guest Blog, Honest Conversation, News and Events, Our Perspective, Survivor Stories, Survivor Stories Featured

Honest Conversations: Believing Survivors

In Honest Conversations episode 6, we sat down with three passionate advocates to discuss protecting Orthodox Jewish kids from abuse. Watch the full conversation below.  The issues facing the Jewish community aren’t unique—just watch our previous conversations about the stigmas and challenges in Hispanic and Black communities. It’s clear that community leadership is key when …

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