Categories: Guest Blog, Success Stories

Talking About It: The Prevention Cure for this Silent Epidemic

by Jill Tolles, Child Sexual Abuse Survivor and Speaker Talking about Child Sexual Abuse can feel scary and awkward, particularly for survivors. I know firsthand. In January of 2016, I broke my own silence in front of 1,400 people in my hometown at a TEDx Event arranged by my colleagues from the University where I …

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Categories: Guest Blog

Sex Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse – One in the Same

The trafficking of children, also known as the commercial sexual exploitation of children, IS child sexual abuse. While not all children who are sexually abused go on to become commercially exploited, 70-90% of children who have been commercially exploited in some way have experienced non-commercial child sexual abuse. Knowing this, we can help to prevent …

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Categories: Guest Blog, Take Two For Prevention

Yes, We’re Growing Up: The Upside of Risk

As part of our Two Minutes for Prevention series, Stewards of Children® author Paula Sellars provides additional insights and experience about the topic covered in the video below.  No matter what their age or how it comes up, talking with kids about sex and bodies feels like a risk. For most of us it just …

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Categories: Guest Blog

Talking to Kids About Digital Safety and Citizenship

By Doug Galluccio, Detective for the City of Charleston Police Department As a detective who often sees the negative impacts of the internet on children, I feel that education is a major component with regards to internet safety. The internet provides an opportunity for children to learn, explore their world, and socialize with friends. By understanding …

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