Categories: Education, General News, Other

Keeping Kids Safe, Our Family Safety Toolkit

mom and sons
Keeping children safe is something that every good parent and caregiver strives to do. From the moment they enter our lives, we are navigating obstacles that affect their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Danger may come from the physical environment around them or from the activities that they enjoy. We may be trying to shield …

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Categories: Education, General News, Other

Introducing Child Safety Pledge; Taking a Stand to Keep Children Happy & Safe

Darkness to Light recently expanded our resources through Child Safety Pledge, a new platform to specifically meet the needs of parents and caregivers as they protect the children in their care. Here’s why we’re so excited about the newest addition to the Darkness to Light brand family. Parents lack a comprehensive resource for keeping kids …

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Categories: Education, General News, Other

Child Sexual Abuse + Social Behavior Change

Through a combination of research, education, and community advocacy, Darkness to Light uses a social behavior change approach to pioneer new training initiatives that bring child sexual abuse prevention to the attention of the broader cultural conversation.   Social Behavior Change is a proven approach for enabling changes at individual, community, and societal levels to improve …

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Categories: General News, Press Releases

Call for Swift Action to Pass EARN IT Act – Keep Kids Safe

EARN IT ACT - protect kids online
Washington, D.C. – The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act (EARN IT), a bill to develop best practices in preventing online child exploitation, has been passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Keep Kids Safe, a movement of survivors and allies focused on ending sexual violence against children and adolescents, applauds this decision and …

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Categories: Education, General News, Our Perspective

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Human Trafficking

Child sex trafficking, a form of human trafficking that’s also called the commercial sexual exploitation of children in clinical circles, boils down to this: the exchange of any sex act with a minor for something of value.  They might be solicited, exploited, or even advertised for sexual activity. Did you know that even purchasing sexually …

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