Categories: General News, Home, Our Perspective

Be an Active Bystander

A “bystander” is a person who witnesses a boundary violation or sees a situation in which a child is vulnerable. Active bystanding is key for preventing child sexual abuse. Intervening or taking preventative measures as a bystander can mean the difference between a child being sexually abused or being protected from abuse. We can be active, …

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Categories: General News, Home, Press Releases

Darkness to Light Partners with Monique Burr Foundation

Darkness to Light partners with Monique Burr Foundation for Children to launch Prevent 360°, a comprehensive approach to prevent child abuse. Two of the nation’s leading advocates for the prevention of child abuse and bullying announced a partnership today called Prevent 360°. Protecting children from sexual abuse and other types of victimization requires a 360° …

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Categories: General News, Home, Our Perspective

Beyond Stranger Danger

In the 1980s, the American Medical Association distributed a widely viewed public safety announcement encouraging parents to teach their children about “Stranger Danger.” In the 30-second clip, a man drives up to a young girl on her way to school. He begins a conversation with her and she responds, because her parents have “taught [their] …

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Categories: General News, Home, Our Perspective, School Safety

Back to School: Classroom Safety

It’s that time of year again – back to school! Back to a daily routine, including morning carpool and extracurricular afterschool activities. Educators partner with parents to help teach kids the skills they need to succeed and prepare your child for the future. This includes caring for, supervising, and ultimately protecting students in their care. …

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Categories: General News, Home, Our Perspective

In a Bind? Tips for Minimizing Opportunity

Sometimes, it happens. You need someone to watch your kids but none of your regular babysitters are available. You’re desperate—you must hire a sitter you’ve never met. What do you do when you don’t know the person watching your kids? Of course, best practice suggests that you prescreen your childcare providers, check references, and hold …

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