Every kid deserves a fun and safe summer. Here are 6 activities you can do with your kids to strengthen your relationships and create lasting memories!
For kids, the last day of school is a long-awaited, glorious day spent anxiously anticipating three months of freedom. For parents and guardians, the last day of school can be a day spent anxiously anticipating how you’re going to keep your kids occupied during the long hiatus. It can be challenging to keep your kids safe and entertained over summer break; when you’re out of ideas, try this list of family-friendly activities and tips to help your family have a great summer.

- Play learning games. If you have internet access, NetSmartz is a great resource to teach children about internet safety in a fun way. No internet? No problem! Play the What-If Game, work on a puzzle, or do arts and crafts.
- Challenge each other with daily journal prompts. Have your kids write down how they are feeling, what they are excited about, what they are stressed about. For older kids who prefer apps, check out the Mood Meter App. Use this opportunity to teach your kids about mental health and show them that they can talk to you about anything going on in their lives.
- Get some fresh air! Go for a bike ride or an outdoor scavenger hunt. Play yard games or have the kids help you in the garden. You could even make a game out of weeding–who can get the most? Try playing Nature Bingo from Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
- Start a family book club. Read a book & set aside special time to talk about it as a family. Make it an event to look forward to! As you discuss, are there any talking points you can use to relate to real life situations? This list of books for kids at all ages can help you get started.
- Hone your DIY skills. Lowe’s Home Improvement has free monthly DIY activities for kids. While they usually have in-person workshops for parents and kids, right now, they’re offering take-home kits. Whether it’s a wooden robot, a toy truck, or a bird house – it’s a memory you can build together!
- Create a family scrapbook. Spend the summer working on a project you and yours kids will cherish for years to come. Interview older family members, print photos of your adventures (go analogue!), and catalog cherished recipes. When your kids get older, they will love having a written record of your family’s memories, rituals, and traditions.
While you want your children to have a fun summer, you also want them to have a safe summer. At Darkness to Light, protecting kids from child sexual abuse is our priority; there are lots of simple, subtle things you can do to protect kids too! Learn more by taking our short Healthy Touch for Children and Youth training.
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