Categories: Featured Posts, General News, Other, Our Perspective

The Power of Giving: How We Can Change the World

Often when we think about giving, we conjure up images of wealthy philanthropists like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. We have long associated charitable giving and making a difference with being wealthy, but nothing could be further from the truth! Sure, wealthy individuals play a key role as major donors—but the bulk of donations are …

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Categories: Featured Posts, General News, Our Perspective

A Look Back: 2021

2021 Written With Sparkler By Little Girl
2021 was another year of uncertainty and unfamiliar experiences. However, while we were faced with new hurdles, we also made great strides–especially when it comes to protecting kids from sexual abuse. As we reflect on the last twelve months at Darkness to Light, we are encouraged: we are looking at a future where kids are safer than ever, and this momentum …

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Categories: Featured Posts, Other, Our Perspective

What Sets Darkness to Light Apart

At Darkness to Light, we feel that while it’s great (and makes you feel great!) to check boxes, the real work is done when we’re creating a culture of prevention.  Imagine you’re on the way to pick up your child at soccer practice after a long day working, running errands, and making dinner. While sitting in traffic, you’re dreaming of the piping-hot, cheesy lasagna you’ve left baking …

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Categories: DEI, Featured Posts, General News, News and Events, Our Perspective

A Statement from the CEO: Our Commitment to Justice

Two hundred and ninety-five days ago, I, like many other leaders, released a statement expressing my commitment to leading an anti-racist organization. It was a statement that I wrote with passion and conviction—emotions that have frequently resurfaced over the last nine months, but particularly in the wake of last Tuesday’s tragic murder of six Asian …

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Categories: DEI, Featured Posts, General News, News and Events, Our Perspective

A Statement from the CEO: Justice & Human Rights

George Floyd and countless others in the black community have died unjust and heartbreaking deaths. For days I’ve tried to thoughtfully process how I wanted to address the Darkness to Light community at large – processing my grief, individually calling my team members to check in on their mental health and well-being, and gathering together as a team to discuss our course of action moving forward.  …

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