Categories: Featured Posts, General News, Guest Blog, News and Events, Other

New Year’s Resolutions for Youth Serving Organizations

Resolutions - People Looking at Laptop Computer
Some of us set personal resolutions for the New Year, but have you ever considered setting one for the youth serving organization you work for? It might be something like: Have all of our staff, volunteers and board members take Stewards of Children® Become a Partner in Prevention Develop customized social behavior change strategies for …

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Categories: Featured Posts, General News, News and Events

A Look Back: 2022

Major milestones in child sexual abuse prevention were a part of 2022 for Darkness to Light and we are honored to have shared them with you. As we look back on some of the highlights of 2022 it is evident that our mission, to equip and empower adults to build safe environments that protect children …

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Categories: Featured Posts, General News, Other


Envision Prevention Conference
We know that many of you have been patiently waiting to hear about Darkness to Light’s much anticipated conference Ignite. Well, we’re here to tell you that this year’s conference will be even bigger and better, under a new name and partnership with the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg …

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Categories: Featured Posts, General News, News and Events, Other

A Look Ahead: 2022

Below is the year-end letter sent to Darkness to Light’s friends and supporters from President and CEO Katelyn N. Brewer, regarding the future of child protection and our mission to protect all children from sexual abuse. Dear Friend, When you support Darkness to Light, you support a promise to help protect every child’s right to …

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Categories: Featured Posts, General News, Other, Our Perspective

The Power of Giving: How We Can Change the World

Often when we think about giving, we conjure up images of wealthy philanthropists like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. We have long associated charitable giving and making a difference with being wealthy, but nothing could be further from the truth! Sure, wealthy individuals play a key role as major donors—but the bulk of donations are …

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